Quando o cinema deu os seus primeiros passos, Mélies era um ilusionista profissional que se interessou pela recém-nascida sétima arte, formou a companhia cinematográfica Star-Films e tornou-se num dos cineastas mais importantes naquilo que foi o desenvolvimento do cinema enquanto expressão artística. As experiências que fez nos mais de 500 filmes realizados e, muitas vezes interpretados, por si estão intimamente relacionadas com o seu trabalho de ilusionista, uma vez que transportou para o ecrã a fantasia dos espectáculos de magia, aproveitando as potencialidades técnicas do cinema enquanto criador de ilusões. Entre as técnicas de efeitos em que foi pioneiro, encontram-se as trucagens, as exposições múltiplas e variadas ilusões de óptica que estão na origem dos efeitos especiais no cinema.
O filme que o tornou célebre foi Le Voyage Dans La Lune (1902), vagamente baseado nos livros Da Terra à Lua de Julio Verne e O Primeiro Homem na Lua de H.G. Wells , que conta a história de um grupo de cientistas que constroem um foguetão em forma de bala e viajam até à Lua, descobrindo que ela é habitada por seres hostis denominados Selenitas e conseguem regressar à Terra, onde são recebidos como heróis por uma parada em sua honra .
Le Voyage Dans La Lune é uma curta-metragem, excepcionalmente longa para a época, uma vez que, na altura, predominavam os pequenos clips de alguns minutos que, ao contrário dos filmes realizados por Mélies, retratavam pequenas situações quotidianas (como por exemplo a chegada de um comboio ou a refeição de um bebé) e pretendiam ser um espelho da realidade, explorando a captação do movimento que, afinal, foi a sua grande inovação enquanto avanço científico. Le Voyage Dans La Lune, e os restantes filmes de Mélies, vieram apontar um novo caminho em direcção à criação de uma linguagem artística cuja capacidade de captar a dimensão temporal lhe permite a construção de uma narrativa. Apesar de ainda se apoiar no dispositivo teatral em que a câmara é fixa num plano frontal estático, como se estivéssemos perante um palco, e de a história progredir através de uma sucessão de planos, ou seja, apesar de não existirem grandes inovações a nível da montagem ou da linguagem dos planos, os filmes de Mélies em geral, e La Voyage Dans La Lune em particular, abriram novas portas ao cinema e deram origem ao cinema de ficção em geral e a géneros como a fantasia, o terror e a ficção cientifica em particular, com os seus efeitos especiais e cenários fantásticos, bem como a imagens iconográficas da história da sétima arte, como a do foguetão a aterrar no olho da lua.
(When the film took its first steps, Mélies was a professional magician who became interested in newborn seventh art, formed the film company Star-Films and became one of the most important filmmakers in what was the development of cinema as artistic expression . The experiences made in over 500 films and often interpreted by himself are closely related to his work as a magician, since he moved to the screen the fantasy of magic shows, using the technical capabilities of the movie maker illusions. Among the techniques he pioneered, are the "trickery"(?), the multiple exposures and various optical illusions that are the source of the special effects in movies.
The film that made him famous was Le Voyage Dans La Lune (1902), loosely based on the books the Earth to the Moon by Jules Verne and The First Man on the Moon by HG Wells, who tells the story of a group of scientists who build a bullet-shaped rocket and travel to the moon, discovering that it is inhabited by hostile beings called Selenites and then can return to Earth, where they are greeted as heroes by a parade in their honor.
Le Voyage Dans La Lune is a short film, exceptionally long for that age, since at the time dominated small clips of a few minutes that, unlike the films made by Méliès, portrayed small everyday situations (such as arrival of a train or a meal from a baby) and claimed to be a mirror of reality, exploring the motion capture, after all, it was his breakthrough as a scientific breakthrough. Le Voyage Dans La Lune, and the other Mélies films came to appoint a new path towards the creation of an artistic language whose ability to capture the temporal dimension allows you to build a narrative. While still supporting the theatrical device in which the camera is fixed in a static frontal plane, as if we were dealing with a stage, and the story progress through a succession of plans, although there are no major innovations at the montage language of the plans, Mélies films generally, and La Voyage Dans La Lune in particular, have opened new doors to the cinema and originated to fictional cinema in general and fantasy, horror and science fiction in particular with its special effects and fantastic scenery, and the iconographic images of the history of the cinema, such as the rocket landing in the eye of the moon.)
The film that made him famous was Le Voyage Dans La Lune (1902), loosely based on the books the Earth to the Moon by Jules Verne and The First Man on the Moon by HG Wells, who tells the story of a group of scientists who build a bullet-shaped rocket and travel to the moon, discovering that it is inhabited by hostile beings called Selenites and then can return to Earth, where they are greeted as heroes by a parade in their honor.
Le Voyage Dans La Lune is a short film, exceptionally long for that age, since at the time dominated small clips of a few minutes that, unlike the films made by Méliès, portrayed small everyday situations (such as arrival of a train or a meal from a baby) and claimed to be a mirror of reality, exploring the motion capture, after all, it was his breakthrough as a scientific breakthrough. Le Voyage Dans La Lune, and the other Mélies films came to appoint a new path towards the creation of an artistic language whose ability to capture the temporal dimension allows you to build a narrative. While still supporting the theatrical device in which the camera is fixed in a static frontal plane, as if we were dealing with a stage, and the story progress through a succession of plans, although there are no major innovations at the montage language of the plans, Mélies films generally, and La Voyage Dans La Lune in particular, have opened new doors to the cinema and originated to fictional cinema in general and fantasy, horror and science fiction in particular with its special effects and fantastic scenery, and the iconographic images of the history of the cinema, such as the rocket landing in the eye of the moon.)

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