Doctor Who, a mais longa série de ficção científica que existe, teve início no dia 23 de Novembro em 1963. Trata-se de uma série britânica produzida pela BBC que retrata a vida de um alien apelidado de “The Doctor” que viaja pelo espaço e pelo tempo na sua nave chamada TARDIS ( Time And RelativeDimension(s) In Space). A série esteve no ar até 1989 durante 26 temporadas e voltou em 2005, renovada, contando já com 4 temporadas. Existe, ainda, um telefilme exibido em 1996.
“Doctor Who?”
Esta é a pergunta que marca e dá nome à série. A personagem do Doctor é envolta em mistério e até hoje ninguém sabe o nome verdadeiro deste extraterrestre. Ao longo da série descobrimos que ele pertence à espécie dos “Time Lords” oriundos de Gallifrey, um planeta actualmente extinto da constelação de Kasterborous. Quase sempre viaja acompanhado por outros personagens que se tornam emblemáticos, muitas vezes do sexo feminino, e confronta inúmeros adversários dos quais podemos destacar os Daleks, os Cybermen e The Master. O último é o nemesis do Doctor, outro Time Lord renegado que fez a sua primeira aparição em 1971.
O papel de Doctor pertenceu primariamente ao actor William Hartnell mas quando este abandonou a série, os argumentistas introduziram o conceito de que sempre que o Doctor está prestes a morrer, o seu corpo possui a capacidade de se regenerar. Desde então, sempre que necessário o Doctor regenera-se e, neste momento, podemos contabilizar dez actores diferentes que desempenharam o papel que presentemente é interpretado por David Tennant.
A TARDIS tem (teria) a função de se camuflar como um camaleão, mediante o tempo/espaço em que se encontra, mas mantém até hoje o aspecto do primeiro episódio, uma cabine de polícia londrina dos anos 60, devido a uma avaria que acontece no segundo episódio.
Tornada numa série de culto ao longo dos anos, “Doctor Who” deu origem a spin-offs como Torchwood, que conta as aventuras de Captain Jack, e The Sarah Jane Adventures. Sarah Jane foi uma das muitas acompanhantes do Doctor.
P.S.: Muito mais poderia ser dito acerca desta fantástica série mas não me quero prolongar em demasia. Infelizmente muitos dos episódios perderam-se no tempo e são virtualmente irrecuperáveis, contudo grande parte do material pode ser encontrado em Sítios espalhados pela internet.
(Doctor Who, the longest series of science fiction began on November 23 in 1963. This is a British television series produced by the BBC that portrays the life of an alien nicknamed "The Doctor" who travels through space and time in his ship called the TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimension(s) In Space). The series was on air until 1989 for 26 seasons and returned in 2005, renewed, having already 4 seasons. There is also a TV movie aired in 1996.
"Doctor Who?"
This is the question mark and gives name to the series. The character of the Doctor is shrouded in mystery and until now nobody knows the real name of this alien. Throughout the series we discover that he belongs to the species of the "Time Lords" coming from Gallifrey, a planet now extinct in the constellation Kasterborous. Often is accompanied by other characters that have become emblematic, often female, and faced numerous opponents of which we highlight the Daleks, the Cybermen and The Master. The latter is the nemesis of the Doctor, another renegade Time Lord who made his first appearance in 1971.
The role of Doctor belonged primarily to the actor William Hartnell but when he left the series, the writers introduced the concept that when the Doctor is about to die, his body has the ability to regenerate. Since then, whenever necessary the Doctor regenerates itself and now we can count ten players who played the different role that is currently played by David Tennant.
The TARDIS has (had) the function of camouflage as a chameleon, through time and space in which it is, but still holds today the appearance of the first episode, a police booth in London 60 years due to a failure happens the second episode.
Made a series of worship over the years, "Doctor Who" has led to spin-offs such as Torchwood, which tells the adventures of Captain Jack, and The Sarah Jane Adventures. Sarah Jane was one of many companions of the Doctor.
PS: Much more could be said about this fantastic series but I do not want to extend too much. Unfortunately many of the episodes were lost in time and are virtually unrecoverable, but much of the material can be found at sites around the Internet.)
"Doctor Who?"
This is the question mark and gives name to the series. The character of the Doctor is shrouded in mystery and until now nobody knows the real name of this alien. Throughout the series we discover that he belongs to the species of the "Time Lords" coming from Gallifrey, a planet now extinct in the constellation Kasterborous. Often is accompanied by other characters that have become emblematic, often female, and faced numerous opponents of which we highlight the Daleks, the Cybermen and The Master. The latter is the nemesis of the Doctor, another renegade Time Lord who made his first appearance in 1971.
The role of Doctor belonged primarily to the actor William Hartnell but when he left the series, the writers introduced the concept that when the Doctor is about to die, his body has the ability to regenerate. Since then, whenever necessary the Doctor regenerates itself and now we can count ten players who played the different role that is currently played by David Tennant.
The TARDIS has (had) the function of camouflage as a chameleon, through time and space in which it is, but still holds today the appearance of the first episode, a police booth in London 60 years due to a failure happens the second episode.
Made a series of worship over the years, "Doctor Who" has led to spin-offs such as Torchwood, which tells the adventures of Captain Jack, and The Sarah Jane Adventures. Sarah Jane was one of many companions of the Doctor.
PS: Much more could be said about this fantastic series but I do not want to extend too much. Unfortunately many of the episodes were lost in time and are virtually unrecoverable, but much of the material can be found at sites around the Internet.)
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